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Lower Cost

Beyond that IP platforms, specificity hosted platforms can save businesses money in Equipment Cost and Maintenance in the Telco Room and can make your Business more productive with its unified approach, lets look at a comparison of Voxis vs other types of services in terms of cost of service.

Verse Traditional Analog

-The average cost of a Analog line for Business in the beginning of 2015 is $91.66 per line after taxes and that does not include long distance charges.

-The cost of a Voxis SIP trunk channel after taxes is $27.25 and it includes long distance

Verse Digital Phone Line from Cable Company

-The average cost of a Digital line for Business in the beginning of 2015 is $42.98 per line after taxes

-If you want unlimited long distance package the average cost is $77.43.

-The cost of a Voxis SIP trunk channel after taxes is $27.25 and it includes long distance

Verse PRI Lines

-National Average for a PRI channel is $19.95, and this is the price they advertise, but once you add the required circuit Fee the average per channel is $41.78 and that assuming you get 23 channels, the cost is higher for fractional PRI Lines, and that cost does not cover long distance.

-Voxis SIP channels do not need to be ordered in groupings at all to get the best price per channel, and no circuit fees, and still just $27.25 after taxes

Verse other Hosted SIP Providers

-Why would you pay by the extension? It amounts to paying for a phone line for every device you have, yes you can save on this model when you factor in Long Distance, but with an average cost of $25 per extension, you can save even more with Voxis when paying just $25 for a line

-Why would you pay for each feature, $5 here, $10 there for a IRV? For a Voice Mail Box, Etc., With Voxis you will save 100% on feature spending as we do not charge you for features

-Voxis does not nickel and dime it customers, you pay for the channels you need, your phone numbers and a low flat fee for your PBX if you are a hosted customer, that's it